The Wealth of Health
We are in the business of Building Health and then showing you how to Build Wealth, but it all begins with your health.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”. Ancient Roman poet, Virgil, said “The greatest wealth is health”. In my teens and early twenties, I didn’t think much about my health, and I was fortunate that I didn’t have to.
I felt good, I was active, and I was the perfect weight. What’s to think about? My grandmother, who was in her 60’s, introduced my family to vitamins and healthy household cleaning products. What? Who uses this stuff? Who needs this stuff? It was the 70’s, wasn’t it all about making our lives easier and better with plastics, newly created chemicals, and margarine that was better than butter…right?
Then grandma Knab shows up to tell us that vitamins and protein will make us feel better and stay healthier. But not just any vitamins, they must be made properly. The right formulations, the highest manufacturing standards, constant testing for purity, potency, and safety. And then there’s this powdered protein stuff. Isn’t that just for athletes? Apparently not. And not just any protein, soy protein, with all the same standards as the vitamins. Turns out that because of all those TV dinners, and packaged and processed foods, we’re not as healthy as we think and we’re not getting the nutrition our bodies need for long-term health.
Then she says we should get rid of our 409, Ajax, bleach, and Windex? Yeah, they smell strong but isn’t that why they work so well? Grandma says they’re full of chemicals that could actually hurt us and are bad for the planet. What? I thought she was kind of crazy. The new products she showed us were safe and worked just as well with no smell. But that chemical smell tells me our house is clean. She says “when did chemical smell equal clean? Clean has no smell.”
Fast forward 40 + years. Turns out Grandma was right! I’m so glad she found Shaklee and the teachings of Dr. Shaklee. Supplements are now mainstream and people are demanding less exposure to chemicals. Dr. Shaklee was way ahead of his time and was a leader in the health and wellness movement creating the first multi-vitamin in the U.S. in 1915 AND one of the first concentrated biodegradable household cleaning products in 1960.
My family has taken Shaklee supplements and used the cleaning products for the last 35 years and I’m proud to say that my mom, who passed away at age 86, took NO prescription medication until she was 80, and then only one Rx for atrial fibrillation. Now I’m going to give you our ages…I’m 60 and my husband is 69 and we’re on ZERO pharmaceuticals! Isn’t it funny how when we get older we base our health on how many Rx’s we’re on. (Did you know that people aged 65 to 69 take an average of 15 prescriptions per year, while those from 80 to 84 take an average of 18, according to the American Association of Consultant Pharmacists? Apr 30, 2015)
We are active and healthy and we blame it on Shaklee. That’s why we’re taking Shaklee for LIFE!
Here’s a free checklist on how to choose a vitamin supplement.
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