Staying Healthy in Times of Crisis
Dear Friends,
Just wanted to get in touch and say that like our family, I’m sure you’re deeply concerned about the current Covid 19 crisis and how it will impact your life.
We’re getting calls every day from friends, family, even customers we haven’t heard from in a while — asking what they should do to get healthy and boost their immune systems. So, we thought you might benefit from information you can trust about how good nutrition and specific supplements can help ramp up your immune system pretty quickly.
With all the hype and misinformation out there it’s difficult to know who you can trust to give you true, actionable information. So be careful out there. The bottom line seems to be three things: social distancing, CDC hygiene guidelines, and building immunity.
So, I’ll get right to the heart of the matter and talk about specific critical nutrients that have been scientifically proven to help boost your immune system. But first I want to be clear about how diet and supplements effect this virus.
- Fact: We are looking at a new strain of the coronaviruses and our bodies don’t yet have antibodies to totally defend against it.
- Fact: A strong and healthy immune system alone is not a guarantee you will not contract this virus.
However, the strength of your immune system is critical. By far, the highest percentage of people not surviving are those with weakened and suppressed immune systems. The takeaway is that a strong and healthy immune system can help your body recover faster than if it’s weak and compromised.
So, what can we do? Here’s a short list (and brief description) of essential nutrients we know will boost immunity and give your body the best chance of fighting back.
Getting enough high-quality protein every day should be a priority. We normally don’t think of protein as an immune booster. Your immune system antibodies and other immune system fighters are dependent on protein for their structures and function. How much do you need? Age, weight, and activity levels are all factors in determining how much protein you need, but the consensus seems to be that 40-50 grams of high-quality protein every day will help build the foundation for a healthy immune response. Some say (especially athletes) you need more, but 40-50 grams a day is a good starting point. And remember, protein is one area of nutrition in which quality really counts.
Vitamin A
Among the micronutrients, vitamin A plays a key role in normal immune function but it also plays a key role in cellular differentiation, growth, reproduction, maintenance of epithelial surfaces, and vision. Vitamin A is found as preformed vitamin A in foods like liver, cod-liver oil, butter, eggs, and dairy products and you get provitamin A carotenoids in foods like spinach, carrots, orange fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin C
Research shows higher levels of Vitamin C can definitely help boost your immunity. It can also reduce the severity of allergies, and help you fight off other infections. The more we learn about Vitamin C and its effects on this virus, the more our scientific community is thinking Dr. Linus Pauling might have been right all along. Right now, to protect you 24/7 you want a minimum of 2-3 grams per day in a sustained-release form.
Vitamin D
Research shows Vitamin D3 is one nutrient you must have to build strong immune health. It’s far more important than scientists previously understood. Most of us are woefully short on D3 and that’s because you simply can’t get all the D3 you need from food. To get a significant boost in immune levels, you need to do two things: get lots of sunshine and additional vitamin D3 from high quality supplements.
The only way to know for sure what your D levels are and exactly how much you need, is to have your doctor test for them with a simple blood test. When you do test make sure to keep your D3 numbers between 60-95. But don’t wait for the testing. Starting now, consider supplementing with at least 2,000 IU’s per day, possibly more if you’re over 60. That’s what the latest science is showing. The good news is Vitamin D3 is inexpensive, totally safe to take, and can really help ramp up your immunity.
Green Tea
According to new research from Oregon State University, natural, plant-derived compounds found in green tea have a powerful ability to increase the number of “regulatory T cells” that play a key role in immune function. Pharmaceutical drugs are available that perform similar roles and have been the subject of lots of research, but scientists say they have problems with toxicity.
Did you know your gut houses 70% of the cells that make up your immune system? That’s why if you want to fix your health, a great place to start is with your gut. Healthy gut flora is crucial for optimal gut health and gut bacteria thrive on what you feed them which means your immune system works best when you get enough “good” bacteria (probiotics).
Not just any probiotic supplement will do the trick, because studies show the live cultures in most probiotics never survive your stomach acid on the way to the gut making them worthless. Please don’t be fooled by the number of CFU’s you see on the label, it’s all about the number of live cultures that survive the trip. Shaklee’s probiotic, Optiflora DI, gives you 10 billion CFU’s. That’s 10 billion CFU’s that have been tested and proven to survive stomach acid.
What if you could ramp up your immune system in just 3 days? Let’s talk interferon. Most people are not familiar with what science calls signaling proteins in our bodies called interferon. This discovery was made in 1954 by world renowned immunologist Dr. Yashuhiko Kojima in Japan, because interferon directs our immune cells and activates immune responses to help fight off pathogens. It has been referred to as the “brains” behind our immune system. Unfortunately, as we age our bodies produce less and less interferon, and that’s why our immunity is compromised.
Ask any cancer patient, and they call tell you about interferon because chemotherapy treatment lowers immunity, and the drug form of interferon is often used to boost the immune system. The problem with interferon as a drug is its severe side effects.
Why am I telling you this? Because following his discovery of interferon and its role in boosting immunity, Dr. Kojima spent 40 years creating a natural, plant-based formula designed to increase the production of interferons we have in our bodies.
The formula he created is an immune building complex called NutriFeron, and it’s a Shaklee world exclusive. Four clinical trials show NutriFeron stimulates every cell in your body to produce more interferon and strengthen the defense system we already have. And no side effects. In addition to essential nutrition, If I could choose only one product to boost my immune system, it would be NutriFeron.
Good overall health
Let’s not forget , because every cell in our body needs to be healthy to fight the good fight, good overall health is the best place to start in building immunity. That means diet, exercise, sleep, sunshine, and a positive outlook on life. Laughter helps 🙂 The simplest and best way I know to build strong foundational health is with two products that have been Shaklee’s most popular for more than 60 years. These two products contain at least 100% of the nutrients mentioned above and much more.
Vitalizer and LifeShake
Vitalizer is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and more. The Vitalizer formula is based on 12 clinical studies and the Landmark Supplement Study from U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health.
LifeShake is the perfect companion. Having a good supply of LifeShake smoothies on hand is the one big reason why Shaklee users are less concerned about staying healthy if the grocery store shelves are empty. The formula makes it a perfect meal, and long shelf life makes it the ultimate food storage product.
Why do we call it the perfect meal? Because in every serving, you get 23 essential vitamins, minerals, and – here’s the kicker – 20 grams of ultra-pure, non-GMO protein with precise ratios of all 9 essential amino acids. From a nutrition point of view, it’s the best meal you could possibly have. And the kids love, love, love it.
Again, your immune system antibodies and cells rely heavily on protein. And if you find yourself with symptoms of weakness, fatigue, apathy, and lowered immunity there’s a good chance you’re not getting enough protein.
We guarantee you’ll feel better and have more energy – and by the way ladies – if you want stronger nails, and thicker, shinier hair, it’s LifeShake.
And, if you suffer from irregularity or digestive comfort, LifeShake is your new best friend. You’ll get a proprietary prebiotic blend of ancient grains for fiber, plus added digestive enzymes to help you better digest the protein. Very cool! It’s also low glycemic – really important if you’re at all concerned about your blood sugar levels. And with strong immunity a key factor in dealing with any virus… and you should be.
Toxins lower your immunity
You might want to eliminate every cleaning product in your home if it’s chemical-based and toxic. These chemicals can whack your immune system. And by all means, please avoid toxic cleaning and laundry products and things like synthetic air fresheners, plug-ins, etc. We can show you how to do this. And while you’re at it eliminate all toxic products used on your body that trigger inflammation in the tissue/cell membrane. Think hair care products, skin care, make-up, fragrances, etc.
Limit (or eliminate) sugar
I know this may be the most difficult of all to do, right? We’re addicted. But did you know sugar decreases your immune system’s ability to function almost immediately by inhibiting the activity of important immune cells? Here’s a stunning find: One study showed the amount of sugar found in just 2 sweetened beverages lowers immune response by 50% for up to five hours! Wow!
Try to get at least 6-8 hours of good sleep every day:
Here’s why. Both stress and lack of sleep raise cortisol levels in your body. Elevated cortisol levels suppress your immune function. When you sleep, you de-stress and cortisol levels drop, repairing cells that are critical to good immune function. Relax 🙂
Get moderate exercise every day:
Set you cell phone intervals to remind you to keep moving as much as you can. Exercise is critical because it increases circulation, promotes the elimination of toxins, and helps to move immune cells through your body faster. Exercise also reduces stress, keeps your cortisol levels down, and helps your immune system fight off all types of infection.
So that’s it for now. These are stressful and trying times but I do hope some of this information is helpful. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time.
Stay healthy and safe,
Robin and Carl
Your Peak Wellness Partners for Life
Shaklee is the #1 natural nutrition company in North America, and the most trusted name in nutrition for more than 60 years. If you want to know more about who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for … you can call us or find it easily at
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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