Losing Their Minds
“Katherine and Cal,
It’s good to see you again.
What have you two been doing?”
Katherine looks sweet and pulled together in her fashionable skirt and pink sweater buttoned at the top.
She clutches her black purse.
It’s clear that Cal cares deeply for her as he holds her hand and looks lovingly into her eyes.
“We just returned from a lovely Caribbean cruise. Now we’re waiting for our son to pick us up.”
Cal was a well known jeweler in New York City for decades and his wife, Katherine, raised their children and taught elementary school.
At least that’s what they told me.
Dementia has begun to spread it’s destruction through their minds
My visits with them in the memory care facility, where my own mother now lives, have taught me patience and humility.
Who am I to question their love for each other?
I am spending time with my mother as Katherine’s true husband has come to see her but is now a stranger to her.
I wonder what it must be like to watch your lover of 40 years in the arms of another who she now calls her husband.
Katherine and Cal dance to the music of their time and enjoy every meal together.
They travel the world in their minds and share their adventures with me.
My acceptance of this world of dementia took me quite some time.
Quite some time to encourage their stories that may or may not bear any truth.
They are happy.
And nothing can take that from them.
Not even dementia.
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